Game Manual

Interface Basics


To pan your view, hold left mouse button and drag it around.

To zoom your view, use mousewheel up/down (or touchpad zoom gesture).

To center camera on a target, double click it on your Radar or on the Target Panel.


On the top-left of your screen rests your Radar, which lists all visible objects in the current sector.

Objects are organized into following categories:


To select a target, click on it either on the Radar either directly in space.

When you have a target selected, you'll see the Target Panel on the top of your screen.

To unselect your target, press right mouse button (or use X button on the Target Panel).

To center camera on a target, double click it on your Radar or on the Target Panel.


To fly around, click on any point in space.

A waypoint button will appear, click on it to travel there.

Flight costs

The further you destination from your ship is, the more energy it costs to fly there.

There are 4 "zones" around your ship, based on your cumulative speed.

  • 1. Close Range. You spend ΒΌ of the engines cost requirements.
  • 2. Mid Range. You spend ΒΎ of the engines cost requirements.
  • 3. Far Range. You spend full cost of engines requirements.
  • 4. Futher Away. Will require you to activate an engine several times.

Your Ship

Your ship allows you to interact with the game world.

Energy Meter

Ship's energy is the main resource for activating various installed equipment.


The energy is produced by your equipped Reactors.

Action Bar

Directly bellow your Energy Meter is your Action Bar, which contains every piece of installed equipment.

Each button on the Action Bar can be clicked, to activate said piece of equipment.

  • The blue number denotes Energy Cost.
  • The white number denotes Cooldown Time, in seconds.
Action Bar and Targeting

Most equipment requires you to have a selected target, while some equipment, like Scanners can be used without a target.

And some equipment can be used both on a target AND on your own ship. To use such equipment on your own ship, you can:

  1. un-select current target
  2. or long-press the action button (handy on Mobile)
  3. or right-click the action button (handy on Desktop)

To remind you, such equipment will display an ξ ™ icon when it's pointed at a target, and no icon, when it's primed for self-use.

πŸš€ Status

To examine your ship status, click on the πŸš€ button, located on the bottom-left of your screen.

You can gather additional information, by clicking the β„Ή Stats button

πŸ”« Equipment

To overview currently installed equipment, click on the πŸ”« button, located on the bottom-left of your screen.

Each piece of equipment is also visible on the Action Bar.

Unmounting Equipment

To uninstall ("unmount") a piece of equipment, drag it to your cargo hold.

☐ Cargo Hold

To get a better look of your cargo, toggle the ☐ button, located on the bottom-left of your screen.

Mounting Equipment

To install ("mount") a piece of equipment, drag it over your Equipment slots.

Applying Aid

Some items can be applied to your ship directly. To perform this, drag an item over your ship picture.

Your Character

You can access your Character Sheet by clicking the πŸ‘€ button, located on the bottom-left of the screen.


Reputation among various NPC factions.


Each action in the game improves one of you skills.

By clicking on different skills you can examine what they do, what level you're currently on, and what your experience/progress for the next level is.


Lists all ships that you own.


Lists all planets that you own.

The Galaxy

You can access the Galaxy Map by clicking the πŸ—Ί MAP button, located on the bottom-left of the screen.

Note, that each sector has a reported threat level.

To travel between different star systems (sectors), find a jumpgate, designated by ☼ on your radar.

Approach such a jumpgate, and click on the button, located just above your energy bar.


To dock to a station, target it and click the button, located on the bottom of your screen.

Stations provide various facilities, such as:

  • Merchant - a trading post
  • Laboratory - a place to buy blueprints from
  • Refinery, Factory - a place to craft items in
  • Hangar - a place to buy ship upgrades
  • etc...


To land on a planet, target it and click the button, located on the bottom of your screen.

Planets can be claimed, and then governed.

Claiming Planets

To claim a planet as your own, observe the following conditions:

  1. The planet must be populated by Colonists.
  2. The Defense Grid must be offline.
Protecting Planets

To prevent other Players from claiming your planets, you must build a Defense Grid and assign some soliders to it, so that it recharges.

While Defense Grid is online, planetary laws are enforced.

Items & Equipment

Common item classes


Raw materials for smelting.

Except for Dilithium Crystals, can't be used directly.


Base materials for crafting higher-order components.


Base materials for crafting electronic equipment.

To craft circuits you need to obtain corresponding blueprints.


Equipment can be mounted on your ship and used in various ways, commonly in space.

Equipment usually has energy costs (depleting energy from your ship on use) and cooldown times.

To craft equipment you need to obtain corresponding blueprints.

Common equipment types


Reactors generate energy, filling your energy meter.

Reactors do not consume energy.


Engines are used to fly around space.


Scanners reveal nearby asteroids.

Mining Lasers

Mining Lasers can extract minerals from nearby asteroids.

April, 65 years ago: Several standard bodies are established to govern backward and future-compatibility between equipment nodes, CPUs and energy reactors.