Privacy Policy


StarWharf game server will collect some data about your character, but not about your real-world persona.

In particular, we're very intersted in preventing cheating and server abuse, but we're entirely uninterested in who you are, what your name is, etc.

Data points


We might try to correlate your IP address(es) to detect if you're using multiple accounts (which is not allowed by the rules).


This game does not use tracking cookies at all, nor shares any cookies with third parites.

The one and only cookie that we do use, is your login information, which is necessary for the game to function (aka "essential cookie").


Your username is not private. It is displayed prominently in the game, for all other players to see.

After each login, your username is stored in a cookie, for your own convinience.


Your password is stored securely with proper crypto in our database. Even our moderators/admin can't see it.


Your E-Mail address is not shown inside the game. We will use it to:

  • reset your password (as you request)
  • send you critical messages about your account

We will not use it to:

  • send game newsletters

Social Login

If you use "social login" functionality (e.g. "Sign In With Facebook"), StarWharf will also collect some minimal information about your remote account.

NOTE: No other access permissions (e.g. "Make posts on my behalf") will ever be requested, which you can verify during the login process.

See also: Deleting your account.


We will obtain and save:

  • provided gaming nickname (not related to your real name on Facebook)
  • provided gaming avatar (not related to your profile photo)
  • your E-Mail address


We will obtain and save:

  • your nickname
  • your avatar id
  • you E-Mail address

We will also get access to, but are not really doing anything with:

  • your "banner" (no idea what that is)


We will obtain and save:

  • your E-Mail address

July, 256 years ago: First manned mission to the Moon.

March, 75 years ago: Asteroid mining becomes profitable endeavor for private citizens.