Game rules

Major offences

  1. No multiple accounts.
  2. No bots.
  3. No scripting.

Or face life-long ban.

Sounds fair?

We also reserve the right to ban you without explainig why.

Don't worry, this is mostly for abusers.

If you're a reasonable person, we'll probably have some form of dialog.

Minor offences

This game contains elements of simulated warfare, thus, you might feel an urge to insult or provoke other players. We implore you to keep it civil, but if you absolutely must, keep those guidelines in mind:

  1. Do not insult actual players, keep it to their characters.
  2. Do not use profanities/slurs, etc.
  3. Keep it on-topic.
  4. Under no circumastances refer to real-world politics, race, gender theory, sexuality and other similar topics.

For those, we'll flag your account, but not ban it.

Still, collect enough flags and ban will follow.

September, 206 years ago: World-wide terrorist attacks wipe out several key data-centers, crippling major cloud-based infrastructures.