StarWharf OAuth App

What is StarWharf OAuth App?

StarWharf OAuth App is our way to provide "Social Login" functionality to the website.

The App itself is a means to add "Signup via Google" button, which allows users to create an in-game account without filling the long and boring Sign Up Form.

What data will be accessed?

Only your E-Mail address. Our account creation system will suggest an in-game name, based on your E-Mail, but you won't be required to follow that suggestion.

Your E-Mail will be stored as part of your account. We will nor share it with any third-parties, nor send you advertising newsletters.

We will allow you to restore your account by using Reset Password functionality, given you still own that E-Mail address.

For more details, see Privacy Policy.

What is StarWharf?

StarWharf is an on-line browser-based 2D top-down MMORPG, inspired by Elite, Sid Meier's Pirates! and other old-school open-world simulators.

It looks like this:

You can learn more about StarWharf in the help section on our website.

August, 193 years ago: MeshNet is moved to the private sector.